Springless Mattresses

Modern materials allow you to get the widest range of rigidity of such mattresses

It is possible to make a mattress from both monoblock of one material or from several layers of different rigidity and properties

A variety of materials of artificial and natural origins. Usually, more natural materials are less durable

To reduce logistics costs, these mattresses can be vacuumized and packed on a pallet. For this series of mattresses the option of curling into a roll is available (depending on the bedding materials)


The main advantage of this design of mattresses is a limitless choice of materials of artificial and natural origins. Complete silence. These models (especially made of monoblock) are well used in beds with variable base geometry or foldable beds.


Name Value

Material used

Foam polyurethane of various grades, thicknesses and densities


Various thicknesses, density 65kg/m3, 20% natural latex in composition

Coconut coir

Various thicknesses, surface density 1000g/m2

Additional fillers

Natural wool and cotton

From our catalog

We produce a range of mattresses for export. A complete catalog of of-the-shelf models currently in production is available below.

If you would like to get a price list for any of the models in our catalog, please use the contact form below.

Custom requests

Didn’t find what you like? No problem. We can modify available models per your request, or create a brand new one. Please, use the contact form below.

From our catalog

We produce a range of mattresses for export. A complete catalog of of-the-shelf models currently in production is available below.

If you would like to get a price list for any of the models in our catalog, please use the contact form below.

Custom requests

We produce a range of mattresses for export. A complete catalog of of-the-shelf models currently in production is available below.